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Spiritual Quest - Top Seven Books to Guide You in 2009

1. The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire:Overthrowing Anxiety ReviewHarnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence by Deepak Chopra
Without our consciousness, or our thoughts, there is no physical existence. We, collectively, create our world. Our thoughts bridge the virtual reality and the physical world. This is a complicated concept, but the spirit domain is the source of the coincidences we find in our lives. Tapping into this domain, into this unlimited and undefined area, we observe the synchronicity in our lives. Then we can create, on the physical level, the lives we desire.

2. The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard
"Man's task is to awaken to his true identity. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. Spiritual truths are discovered with an entirely new kind of thinking, quite distinct and vastly superior to the mind that builds bridges and sells merchandise."

3. On God: An Uncommon Conversation by Norman Mailer with Michael Lennon
Mailer states that God is a Creator, but one that is still evolving. Mailer considers that we are developing with God and, because of this, He needs us as much as we need Him. Perhaps Mailer's view is egocent

Source: http://neighboursreview.com/overthrowing-anxiety-review