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Characteristics of The Soul

A human being has a character.Overthrowing Anxiety Review  Some people are very active. Some people are very quiet. Some people are very humorous. Some people are very serious. A soul has its own character. From my personal experience, I would like to share my insights on the main characteristics of the soul:

* Your soul (which I also call your body soul to distinguish it from other souls, such as the souls of your organs) is independent. A human being has a soul, mind, and body. They are separate but united. They are separate because they are independent. They are united because they reside in the same body and communicate with one another.

* Souls have consciousness and intelligence. They have awareness. They think. They analyze. They learn. They have likes and dislikes. One person may like to travel. Another may love food. You may like to read. Someone else may like sports. A soul has its own likes and dislikes, which it has developed over hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes. To help balance and harmonize your soul, mind, and body, it is important to know your soul's likes and dislikes.




Source: http://untappedreviews.com/overthrowing-anxiety-review